
Animals inhabiting South America, mainly Peru, Chile, and Bolivia. These delicate animals graze there at altitudes above 3500 m above sea level and are able to adapt to the prevailing climate of cold winters and hot summers. These animals of the camel family are mainly kept for wool, which is considered one of the best in the world. Alpacas are not animals that do not get sick, therefore, contrary to opinion, they need a lot of careful care, special feeds, constant access to water, and most importantly - constant access to very good quality hay.
The female reaches adulthood at the age of 18-24 months, pregnancy lasts 11-11. 5 months and only one small cria is born.
The male reaches adulthood at the age of 3-4 years.
Alpacas reach up to 90 cm in height, weight - 50-90kg. These animals live about 20 years. There are two varieties of alpacas: Suri and Huacaya, available in more than twenty colours plus the other as many shades.

Alpaka Suri

It is characterized by long, shiny and smoother hair resembling curls hanging along the body. It is a less common breed. Wool is used for the production of high quality materials and clothing due to its shine and silkiness.

Alpaka Huacaya

With a fluffy look reminiscent of sheep. The wool is curly, growing perpendicular to the body. Suitable for both spinning and woolen products in the form of quilts, pillows, yarns. The most popular among alpacas.